Starting her competitive career in 2014, Robyn says the world of sport has progressed markedly for LGBTQ+ athletes, and that she hopes her involvement can drive further change.“Since London 2012 there has been a huge legacy built, not only sporting but socially… I really do feel like that was a springboard for change. And especially since Covid people have realised how important being yourself is and how important it is in relation to being an athlete.“There has definitely been a lot of progress. We’ve got great role models in hockey, football, basketball... The real area for improvement I think is in men’s sports. There are some fantastic advocates out there, like [footballer] Zander Murray and Tom Daley… How can we support those athletes who maybe don’t want to come out, and that’s okay, so could we be that confidential support? We are here for more than standard policies; we’re here for you as a person.”With a remit to engage and support Britain’s elite LGBTQ+ athletes, and to represent the BEAA on LGBTQ+ topics, Robyn has a broad role to fill. Asked how she intends to start, the Paralympian says: “The BEAA play such an important role in athlete wellbeing and welfare and LGBT athletes having that specific role I really do think will help us to reach people who’ve maybe not reached out before. The BEAA is for all athletes and that’s something I’m really excited to be part of.“Honestly I cannot wait to get stuck in and hit the ground running. Number one, get connected with the BEAA, a welcome to the team and get to know the team so we can do it together ultimately. I’m excited about that and very much a team player. I’m looking forward to seeing the type of impact we can make in the next year for LGBT athletes.”||


Robyn Love: The BEAA is for all athletes – and has an important role

2023-03-29 08:45:53
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