British Gymnastics today announced a specialist Independent Complaints Process (ICP) to handle existing individual complaints that were made to the British Athletes Commission (BAC) from July 6.The process will review complaints made via the BAC and NSPCC up until 9 October, and you can read full details from British Gymnastics here. The BAC has welcomed this development, with the organisation’s Chair, Vicki Aggar, saying:“The BAC has worked hard on behalf of every individual who has contacted us to ensure that their concerns are acknowledged and that they are supported appropriately. This work has included ensuring that there is an independent process for any complaints to be dealt with. “Today’s announcement by British Gymnastics of an independent complaints process for those individuals being supported by the BAC is a welcome step forward and the BAC will now support individuals who chose to submit a complaint through this process.”What happens next?

  • The BAC will contact every individual that it is supporting to whom the process is relevant, in order to discuss next steps and support required
  • A full FAQ document on the ICP, produced by British Gymnastics, is available here
  • The Whyte Review, the independent review into issues relating to allegations of abuse in gymnastics, continues to progress separately to the ICP. The latest update from Ann Whyte QC is available below, while further information is available here

  • More widely, the BAC continues to offer support to anyone affected by mistreatment in gymnastics, whether they wish to raise a complaint or not. You can contact us at for confidential advice and support
  • If you have concerns about mistreatment in gymnastics, please contact the dedicated NSPCC helpline on 0800 056 0566


2020-11-25 17:26:27
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