BAC Chief Executive, Mahdi Choudhury said:

“The BAC believes in clean sport and whilst we welcome the decision by WADA’s Executive Committee to impose a four- year ban on athletes competing for Russia we recognise that the effectiveness of this sanction, in preventing cheating athletes from continuing to compete, will be determined by the way in which it is implemented.

“This reflects feedback from our members, with whom we have consulted widely, and who are largely of the view that the punishment should not prevent athletes from competing if they can undeniably prove themselves to be clean. It is vital that this ruling is implemented in a way that enables this to be the case, prevents cheats from circumventing the rules and ensures that only athletes who are competing on a level playing field are allowed to take part in sporting events.”

Mahdi Choudhury Chief Executive Officer

The British Athletes Commission (BAC) was set up in 2004 as an independent membership association to represent the interests of high-performance athletes in Great Britain. It aims to provide a voice for athletes and works with partners across the high-performance system to enhance athlete wellbeing.



2019-12-12 16:56:13
December 12, 2019
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