BAC RESPONSE TO BBC1 PANORAMA – SPORT’S HIDDEN CRISIS – 19TH OCTOBER 2020The BAC applauds the bravery of any athlete speaking openly about their mental health and wellbeing but particularly eating disorders. Eating disorders are complex, serious and multi-faceted medical conditions. Whether or not they occur in a sporting context, they will seriously compromise the health of the sufferer and can be life-threatening. The BAC strongly encourages those suffering with an eating disorder to reach out for help. The British Athletes Commission (BAC) ( offers independent support and advice to athletes on the World Class Programme. The BAC has a dedicated team of trained and experienced professionals who can offer support, signposting and advice on disordered eating and eating disorders. To seek support in complete confidence, please contact via national charity Beat offers significant support to those suffering with eating disorders; 0808 801 0677 Studentline: 0808 801 0811 Youthline: 0808 801 0711 Their Helplines are open 365 days a year from 9am–8pm during the week, and 4pm–8pm on weekends and bank holidays.Sometimes their lines are busy. If you can't get through immediately, please do try again or try their one-to-one web chat.If you are in need of urgent help for yourself or someone else outside of their Helpline opening hours, please contact 999 or the Samaritans on 116 123 if you or someone else is in immediate danger.


2020-10-19 20:11:07
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