To Athlete Members

The events of the past few days within the United States have reminded us all of the dangers of racism in society.  Racism is a problem that needs to be addressed and is not acceptable.

At the BAC we believe that sport should offer a fair and equal opportunity for all athletes irrespective of ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, disability, marital status, religion or belief.    

We take our role in recognising and removing any barriers faced by people involved, or wanting to be involved in sport in any capacity, seriously.  We want to ensure the culture of sport is one that values diversity and enables the full involvement of disadvantaged groups in every aspect of sport.

We must all work harder to recognise and remove the barriers faced by athletes.  If you have been impacted personally as a result of your ethnicity or otherwise, we would encourage you to use your voice as a powerful force for good.

The BAC is committed to better understanding the issues our members face within elite sport and how we can improve our specific support to you.  As always, the BAC is here to support you and provide you with independent, confidential advice.

If you wish to discuss any concerns or require independent support and guidance, then please get in touch with us via the following:

W:  |  T: 020 3126 4270   |   E:


BAC message to athletes: Racism and Equality

1970-01-01 00:00:00
June 5, 2020
The BEAA is with you.
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