BAC Chief Executive, Mahdi Choudhury, has reinforced the organisation’s commitment to its members and stakeholders as a unique, delayed summer Olympic and Paralympic year approaches.As 2020 draws to a close, many athletes targeting Tokyo selection are – for the second consecutive year – in the midst of intense preparations for an imminent Olympic or Paralympic Games.The BAC has played a key role in supporting athletes through this unforeseen change in circumstance, along with the other effects of the pandemic which have dominated 2020.Mahdi Choudhury said:“For all of us, 2020 has brought disruption and challenges that we didn’t expect. We know that our athletes have had to contend with an awful lot this year, as the practical and emotional difficulties of navigating a pandemic have been compounded by the psychological effects of seeing the Games that many of them had dedicated years of their life to, plagued by uncertainty.“I am extremely proud of the role that the BAC has played in helping our members through such a tough year. We are seeing increasing numbers of athletes reaching out to us and taking advantage of the services that we provide, which we constantly review to ensure that they are meeting members’ needs.“Whilst we can look to 2021 with cautious hope and optimism, we know that even a ‘normal’ Olympic and Paralympic year brings additional pressures, a greater level of attention, and opportunities which athletes will wish to capitalise on.“I’d like to reaffirm to all of our members – whether they are targeting Tokyo, or the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing in 2022 – that the BAC is committed and dedicated to helping them achieve their full potential, and to support and empower them as they look ahead to one of the biggest competitions of their career.”Details of the BAC’s athlete support measures are available here. For independent, expert and confidential support and advice, athletes can email


2020-12-22 09:36:19
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