The BAC is signposting athletes towards a UK Sport project which is looking to develop and inform guidance for athletes who become parents whilst on the World Class Programme (WCP). The project is being conducted by the same team which produced UK Sport’s Pregnancy Guidance, launched in November 2021. The BAC previously supported the recruitment of several athletes who shared their own experience of being pregnant whilst part of a WCP, which helped to inform research which the BAC called ‘valuable and progressive’ for the high‐performance system. To inform this latest project, UK Sport is keen to speak to anyone who has become a parent (but not gone through a pregnancy themselves) whilst they have been a member of a WCP funded by UK Sport within the last two summer and winter Olympic and Paralympic cycles.Alex Newman, Standards Manager at UK Sport, said:"We are thrilled to be embarking on our next challenge of developing guidance for athletes who have become parents whilst on the WCP. We aim to speak to as many parents as possible, from a wide range of summer and winter, Olympic and Paralympic sports to better support the high-performance community in the UK."Emma Speer, Athlete Support Manager and ED&I Lead at the BAC, added:"We're delighted to support UK Sport in what we believe will be another very valuable research project. Putting athletes right at the heart of informing and producing such vital guidance is crucial, and this piece of work - in addition to the research carried out around pregnancy in elite sport - will benefit athletes and help elite sport to take further strides towards genuine inclusivity."Athletes interested in taking part in the project should contact


2022-01-19 14:17:31
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