We all have a role to play in keeping sport fair and clean. As the British Elite Athletes Association becomes a representative on the UK Anti-Doping Athlete Commission, we are proud to reaffirm our commitment to clean sport by backing UKAD’s Clean Sport Week campaign.The Athlete Commission advises the UKAD Board and organisation on athlete-related anti-doping matters and welcomes the contribution from BEAA expert and independent staff.Olympic, Paralympic and professional sports are all represented on the Commission, which has the responsibility of working with other athlete-centred groups to ensure the wider views of the athlete community are represented. It also engages with athletes to collect feedback on UKAD programmes.Discussing the appointment, BEAA CEO Anna Watkins said: “UKAD plays a central role in British sport, and it’s up to all of us to ensure clean sport through education and awareness. As the elite athletes’ representative body the BEAA is committed to ensuring the athlete voice is heard at all levels, so I’m delighted that our expert, independent staff have been invited to represent us on the UKAD Athlete Commission – further strengthening our relationship with one of the high performance system’s key stakeholders.”Professor Nicola Philips OBE, Chair of the UKAD Athlete Commission, commented: “I am delighted to extend the membership to strengthen the athlete voice in anti-doping decision making.”Clean Sport Week is UKAD’s national awareness week championing clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK.It takes place this year between May 22nd-26th with the theme ‘Teamwork in Clean Sport’. We encourage all athletes, coaches, and athlete support personnel to show their team player credentials and work together with athletes to fulfil their anti-doping responsibilities.Athletes are central to the team, responsible for making sure they compete clean – it's their body, their responsibility. But coaches, doctors, medical staff, parents, and us at the BEAA are all part of the team and play a vital role in supporting athletes. Collectively, we need to stay educated, inform athletes of their responsibilities, and create a positive culture that gives athletes confidence to win well, without doping.We encourage anyone in our sporting community who would like to learn more about anti-doping to sign up to UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub where there are free education courses for athletes, students, coaches and practitioners.|https://britisheliteathletes.org/athlete-support/|


BEAA joins UKAD Athlete Commission during Clean Sport Week

2023-05-24 15:55:51
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