Last month saw the long-awaited publication of the Whyte Review – the independent review into mistreatment and abuse in gymnastics.

The Review was informed by the evidence of over 400 individuals, many of whom have been supported by the BAC since coming forward to disclose their experiences.

The BAC has therefore seen and heard first-hand the impact of these experiences on gymnasts and their families, and has played an instrumental role in ensuring that appropriate support has been made available.

This podcast, produced by Anything But Footy, brings together some of those key to delivering this support, to discuss the developments around gymnastics over the last two years, and the lessons that have to be learned within sport in order for such a situation never to be repeated.

Contributors include:

Vicki Aggar – BAC Chair

Anna Watkins – BAC Chief Executive

Elaine Francis – BAC Head of Safeguarding

Dr Misia Gervis – Sports Psychologist

Helen* – Parent of gymnast


2022-07-14 09:03:52
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