The Whyte Review has been published today. You can read the Review in full here, whilst the BAC statement reacting to the publication is here. The BAC continues to support those affected by mistreatment and abuse in gymnastics. Our support team is available for four weeks post-publication of the Whyte Review and can be contacted via statement on British Gymnastics and the NSPCC's joint helpline:

“Since partnering with the NSPCC in July 2020 – in the immediate aftermath of the Athlete A documentary and as the full scale of the issues within gymnastics were still becoming apparent – we are hugely proud of our collaborative work and achievements.

“Our overriding aim was to provide individuals with a safe, accessible and trusted space in which they felt able to disclose their experiences and begin to process what had happened to them, or to the individual concerned.

“Since the inception of our helpline, we have helped over 280 people do this, and the end-to-end support that we have provided to everyone who has made contact with our helpline is something we have taken incredible care and dedication in, and pride of.

“With our formal relationship with the NSPCC now at an end, we are pleased to see that British Gymnastics has also now chosen to enlist the NSPCC’s expertise as they look to address both new and ongoing cases with the sensitivity, compassion and effectiveness which they deserve.

“Like everyone, we at the BAC want the publication of the Whyte Review to signal a new chapter in gymnastics – and in wider sport – in this country. We consider British Gymnastics’ decision to partner with an organisation with the history, reputation and expertise as the NSPCC as an encouraging step, and we look forward to seeing how the relationship between the two organisations evolves, for the benefit of all those who share the desire for sport to be a safer environment.”


2022-06-16 15:13:21
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