Earlier this month, Vicki Aggar was re-elected for a second, four-year term as BAC Chair. Last week, she wrote to our 1,400 members outlining her commitment to ensuring that the organisation continues to serve them in the best possible way:"I am absolutely delighted to have been re-elected as Chair of the British Athletes Commission for a second, four-year term, which will begin on 1 April 2021."Throughout my first four years in the role, I’ve overseen with a great deal of pride the BAC’s growth in terms of size, reputation, influence and, most importantly, the number of our members that we are able to support and advise every year."That number has never been higher than it is now, and I’d like to thank you for putting your trust in us to represent and empower you. It’s a responsibility that I and the rest of the BAC team take very seriously, and a role that we know has an incredible importance within British sport and the high-performance system."I can assure our members that – with Summer and Winter Games now on the horizon – we share your desire, drive and passion to see you fulfil your potential. As such, please do familiarise yourself with the services that we can provide (please see the links below), and the ways in which we can assist you."I’d also like to take this opportunity to reiterate my own personal commitment to you, our members, that the BAC will continue to evolve and develop with your needs at heart, and grow in a way that is informed by athletes."With that in mind, if you have any feedback on any element of the BAC's work, or feel that there is anything missing from our current offering, I'd be very pleased to speak to you on how we can continue to improve our service. Please contact admin@britisheliteathletes.org to pass on your feedback."


2021-01-25 09:25:32
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